Contact Us

Contact Us

Telephone: +46 (0) 11 325600
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 8-12 (CET)
Casall is registered at the following address (no return address), Casall Sport AB, Box 6007, 600 06 Norrköping, Sweden. Corporate identity number: 556217-6072. Casall Terms and conditions apply to all contracts concluded with Casall, by ordering you accept these conditions.
Telephone: +46 (0) 11 325600
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-16 (CET)
Casall is registered at the following address (no return address), Casall Sport AB, Box 6007, 600 06 Norrköping, Sweden. Corporate identity number: 556217-6072. Casall Terms and conditions apply to all contracts concluded with Casall, by ordering you accept these conditions.